de estrela pelo trans-netuniano Varuna, 19 de Fevereiro, 2010
E-mail de Bruce Berger, MIT/Williams
College Occultation Consortium, EUA
For anyone else interested, the MIT/Williams College Occultation
Consortium is looking for telescopes or telescopes with high-speed
cameras to record the 20000 Varuna occultation on 19 February. The
prediction path touches the northeast tip of Brasil and coastal French
Guyana as well as mid-Africa.
I am helping out as the professional- amateur coordinator for
this part of the project.
If you have a 200mm or larger scope close to the target path and
wish to help us with data please reply to me. We have several suitable
cameras we can bring if needed. It is ok to forward this email to
others if you think they can help.
Clear skies!
Bruce Berger
Bruce ARROBA Scopemaker.com
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