REA's Occultation Section open
Breno Loureiro Giacchini
It gives us great pleasure to announce the creation of REA's Occultation Section. Even before being invited by IOTA to collect the Brazilian occultation reports we already had the will to create a group of observers in our country. When we were invited to join REA (Observational Astronomy Association) and organize an occultation section, we felt that the project was becoming real. We have worked for more a couple of months creating this website, which is the gateway of our section. In this website one can be informed about our observational campaigns, about what is happening in the world concerning occultations and about historical, scientific and practical aspects of observing and recording occultations.
The main goals and objectives of REA's Occultation Section are:
To inform people about
what occultations are and their importance;
To stimulate the
observation and recording of occultations;
To promote
observational campaigns;
To inform about new
observing technics and other advances in the field;
To stimulate the
contact between the Brazilian observers, and also with other observers in Latin
America and around the world;
To collect Brazilian
reports of occultation observations;
To establish a dialog
with the observers to correct any problems that may eventually occur in the
reports and ensure they are suitable to IOTA's standards;
To forward the reports
to IOTA;
To divulge the
observations made in Brazil;
To keep statistic data
updated regarding the current status of occultation observation in Brazil;
We would like to thank our friends and colleages
Alexandre Amorim
Antônio Rosa Campos
Carlos Arlindo Adib
Claudio Martinez
Dave Herald
David Dunham
Derek Breit
John Talbot
as well as REA's directors, Edvaldo Trevisan, Cristóvão Jacques Lages Faria and Tasso Augusto Jatobá Napoleão
for the constant support in the making of this section and for the efforts in conveying the observations and occultations.
We, thus, declare open REA's Occultation Section; and we are at your disposal to give any information that may become necessary about our Section and occultations in general.
Clear skies.
Sincerely yours,
Breno Loureiro Giacchini
bgiacchini at
REA's Occultation Section Co-ordinator